You live in the Greatest City

in the World!

No, seriously! Hear me out. I know your city has issues. If it’s anything like mine, you have residential neighborhoods that are in trouble. Your town is desperate to fill up empty storefronts. You’re dealing with ineffective local politics and struggling to deal with crime and drug activity. Something has to change.

We operate from a simple premise. The change must start with us. Our mindset must change from looking at seemingly insurmountable problems and instead see the incredible opportunity around us. Depressed housing means great investment opportunity. Empty storefronts mean an opportunity to rebuild a new local economy. Addiction means an opportunity for great healing, not just for individuals, but through multiple generations.

Throughout this site, you will find principles and systems to show you how to start a movement in your city to bring change that is practical and sustainable. It’s working in our city, and we believe it can work in yours too.

It might not look like it yet, but you really do live in the Greatest City in the World.

Let’s get to work.

Solving Blight

Solving Blight

Economic devastation has left many neighborhoods across the country in ruins. Even decades later as the local economy improves, many places are still struggling to deal with blighted housing. If it isn’t dealt with quickly, blight will spread. You can take action today to stop blight in it’s tracks and bring new life to your city.

Renewing Downtown

Our cities are filled with stories of past glory. “If you could only have seen this place decades ago…” When we look at the empty buildings on Main Street today, we must look past the scars of a bygone era and see new opportunities. Rapidly shifting economic winds mean that there has never been a better time for your Downtown to be reborn. Those ‘glory days’ might never return, but what if the future could be even better?

Renewing Downtown

Our cities are filled with stories of past glory. “If you could only have seen this place decades ago…” When we look at the empty buildings on Main Street today, we must look past the scars of a bygone era and see new opportunities. Rapidly shifting economic winds mean that there has never been a better time for your Downtown to be reborn. Those ‘glory days’ might never return, but what if the future could be even better?

Healing Addiction

Addiction is an epidemic in our nation. In 2019, over 70,000 lives were lost to overdose in the United States and 2020 was almost certainly higher. If we are ever going to get different results, we need new solutions. We must not be complacent. Lives are at stake. The only acceptable number of overdose deaths for your city is zero. Let’s share our successes and failures and find a new path forward.

Fixing Government

Local government is a difficult job in the best of times. Finding consensus among diverse individuals has always been hard work, but in struggling small towns, it feels impossible. If our goal is to get different results, we must begin to seek out different solutions and change our actions. Instead of focusing on berating our representatives or waiting until the next election, we’re proposing something different. How can we as individuals partner with city hall to fill in the gaps left by declining populations and shrinking tax bases? How can we present solutions that maximize the resources we do have? As the city turns around, the job will get easier, but we have no choice but to face reality and start where we are. 

Fixing Government

Local government is a difficult job in the best of times. Finding consensus among diverse individuals has always been hard work, but in struggling small towns, it feels impossible. If our goal is to get different results, we must begin to seek out different solutions and change our actions. Instead of focusing on berating our representatives or waiting until the next election, we’re proposing something different. How can we as individuals partner with city hall to fill in the gaps left by declining populations and shrinking tax bases? How can we present solutions that maximize the resources we do have? As the city turns around, the job will get easier, but we have no choice but to face reality and start where we are. 

Need help getting started?

We'd love to partner with you to change your town. Contact us by email or reach out on social media and we'll set up a time to discuss the best way to help you move forward. Don't wait! Your city needs you and you have all you need to get started making a positive difference today. Every journey begins with a single step, and we'd love to walk alongside you on this amazing adventure.