Frosty’s Frozen Delights (Rural Valley, PA)

Week 8, the finale of the Armstrong Ice Cream Challenge is here! Wait, we’re done already?! Say it ain’t so! 😊 Last, but certainly not least, this week we visited Frosty’s in Rural Valley, PA. People have been voting for them since the start of the challenge and I’ve had several messages making sure we were going to visit them. I’ve been looking forward to this one since the beginning, and they did not disappoint. From the moment we walked into their squeaky clean, beautifully decorated shop, we could see why people across the County love this place so much.

At each shop we travel to, we ask to try three ice cream treats: The Classic, The Crowd Favorite, and The Craziest Creation. For more details on the categories, check out this intro video:

These were Frosty’s entries for the challenge:

The Classic – Our last classic of the challenge led us to yet another banana split. You’d think we would be tired of these by now, but each one is fun and unique. This one had all the classic flavors. Pineapple on vanilla, strawberry on chocolate, and chocolate on twist, but what really stuck out was the soft serve. To my knowledge, each shop uses a similar mix to make soft serve, and yet, they taste different at each place. Frosty’s had the thickest, richest soft serve of each place we’ve tried. You could almost mistake it for hard scoop. They pile it high on their large banana split and the density of the ice cream made this creation several pounds of deliciousness. Their ice cream quality really sets them apart in my book, but that may just be personal preference. This sundae would have filled up the whole family on it’s own, but we were just getting started.   

The Crowd Favorite – When Frosty’s opened 12 years ago, one of their original creations was the Pretzel Salad Sundae, and it’s been a favorite ever since. Layers of strawberries, marshmallow cream, pretzels, and thick vanilla soft serve made up this attractive and delicious treat. They pride themselves on presentation at Frosty’s, and luckily they have the flavors to match. The pretzels and strawberries tasted very fresh, and this was amongst the best things we’ve tried in all 8 weeks of ice cream.

The Craziest Creation – Our last creation of the journey was something Frosty’s is debuting right now. They call it ‘The Patriot’. Recently, they started serving Italian ice here and The Patriot features vanilla  soft serve, cherry ice, more soft serve, blue raspberry ice, more soft serve, whipped cream, and red and blue sprinkles. It’s the perfect 4th of July creation that’s arriving just in time. It’s quite a sight to behold and the fruit flavors mixed with vanilla were both wonderful. The cherry tasted just like Twizzlers to me, so if you love that flavor, you’ll love this one too. The best part is, they’ll be donating part of the proceeds from each ‘Patriot’ sold to national and local veterans organizations. It might just be the most delicious way to support a very worthy cause.

If you’ve never been to Frosty’s, you should really make a plan to go try it. Generous portions, high quality, and unique flavors make this a must-stop whenever you’re on the eastern half of Armstrong County. It was definitely worth the wait as we finish our ice cream journey. This has been such a fun project for us as a family. I hope you’ve enjoyed the videos and articles. This is also the last week for voting, so make sure you get entered to win a trip your favorite place in the County.

The final video comes out on Sunday, July 4th, at 7PM, so check back next week to find out who will win the gift cards and which shop will be crowned champion of the Armstrong Ice Cream Challenge.

If you want to vote for Dairy Queen as your favorite ice cream place, you’ll be entered to win the $25 gift card to their shop. Make sure to fill out the quick form here to be entered for the giveaway at the end of June! 8 lucky winners will receive a gift card for their favorite shop, and one lucky winner will receive $10 to all 8 shops so they can create their very own Armstrong Ice Cream Tour. Thanks for participating and good luck!


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