Western Pennsylvania Town Begins Blight Remediation Program

Apollo PA starts their journey to clean up blight!

Borough officials from Apollo PA reached out to GCITW last month in order to begin the process of starting a local initiate to stop the spread of blight.

For several decades following the closure of local manufacturers, the town has struggled to stabilize their residential neighborhoods. Borough Council is trying to make things better, and they are making progress, but it’s increasingly difficult to continue progress with shrinking budgets.

Just a half hour north of Apollo, Kittanning PA has been making progress through the GCITW system. They have documented a 24% improvement in their residential housing in just two years through a community led initiative. Apollo is hoping to make similar progress through local partnerships including churches, other non-profit organizations, business, and Borough Council support.

Please join us in praying for them as they move forward and make sure to check back for updates.

Do you have a story of good news in your town? Submit an article with a picture or video and we’ll share it here! We’re all about sharing ideas and spreading positivity and we’d love to have you join us on the journey to revitalize small towns across the nation.


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